Surgery Support & Medical Trauma

How to prepare for and come out of surgical procedures using the wisdom of Somatic Experiencing to reduce trauma and ongoing post-surgical distress:  For a more printer friendly version, see: Surgical Suggestions – Pre & Post Twig    “With warm regards and best wishes for your recovery and well-being from Twig Wheeler.”

Doctor Robert Scaer addresses the prevalence of medical trauma in children and adults:

“. . . I also realized that their contact with the medical system had contributed greatly to my patients’ trauma by creating an environment of helplessness. . .  In my medical training, my teachers had no concept of medical procedures being potentially traumatizing. . . The medical care system is dedicated to healing— so what should we do to prevent it from actually being traumatic? How can we adapt these concepts to children, who are even more susceptible to trauma than adults?”

The full article, well worth reading, is at . Do be sure to watch the video of Ana do Valle’s work, especially if you have children who’ve experienced medical trauma.

“Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.”                               – Peter Levine, PhD, In an Unspoken Voice

One guided imagery recording that my patients have appreciated is  Preparing for Successful Surgery by Belleruth Naparstek. It’s used at Kaiser and is available to listen to at  It’s effectiveness is reviewed at .

It is available for purchase at

Another version: