National Alliance on Mental Illness: America’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. NAMI gathers local resources and helps people connect with them and with each other.
I’ve gotten excellent information from a local chapter over the phone. They listed and explained a range of options for a client with a family member in crisis, starting with how a 911 call can connect with a CIT – Crisis Intervention Team. Additionally, NAMI offers family support groups and has office hours when families who are struggling can come and find resources.
NAMI’s programs and services :
NAMI Basics | Family-to-Family | In Our Own VoicePeer-to-Peer | NAMI Connection | Hearts & MindsParents and Teachers as Allies | Provider Education
I really liked the compassionate approach of NAMI’s family – family program: The course includes
Current information about schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder (manic depression), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and co-occurring brain disorders and addictive disorders
- Up-to-date information about medications, side effects, and strategies for medication adherence
- Current research related to the biology of brain disorders and the evidence-based, most effective treatments to promote recovery
- Gaining empathy by understanding the subjective, lived experience of a person with mental illness
- Learning in special workshops for problem solving, listening, and communication techniques
- Acquiring strategies for handling crises and relapse
- Focusing on care for the caregiver: coping with worry, stress, and emotional overload
- Guidance on locating appropriate supports and services within the community
- Information on advocacy initiatives designed to improve and expand services